Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Clinical Rotations 1 and 2

Today we got official notices of our sites for rotations 1 and 2!
Rotation 1: 6 weeks of primary care in The Boro (Jesse's new name for Hillsboro)
Rotation 2: 6 weeks of community medicine at the Federal prison in Sheridan. That is, if I pass the background investigation.....

The good news is that Won and Jesse will be nearby for both rotations so much fun will be had by all.

Monday, March 28, 2011

We are Aunties

Over spring break we got to visit my brother Josh and his wife Autumn and their new (week old!) baby boy, Mason. He was born March 13, 2011.

Little Mason Robert Gullickson

Josh, my brother, holding Mason

It's pretty neat how his tiny little fingernails are so perfect. He has really long fingers and feet.

Spring Break 2011 = New Car!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chi Bath!

Baths are so trying.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Glove and Gown

I am in the middle of the Women's Health module. However, this past Thursday evening we headed over to Tuality Hospital which is on campus for an OR experience. We got to scrub in, glove and gown, and check out a general surgery and laproscopic OR set-up.

Me in the middle, feeling groovy

In the laproscopic OR, the nurses had set up a simulation for us using the camera with one hand and a grippy graspy thing in the other hand to try and retrieve a toy. In my case it was a rubber spider. I hate spiders. I was saying "I hate spiders" over and over the whole time. But it was still good fun.