Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ranger Kadie, Zoo Naturalist

Just in time for Andrea's birthday yesterday, I got a JOB!!! Yay. Happy birthday!

From henceforth, I shall be known as a "Naturalist", in the great tradition of my heros Sir David Attenborough, Farley Mowatt, Gerald Durrell, and of course, Jane Goodall (LOVE that hair-do!) So, from time to time I may be entertaining you all with Zoo Tales (he he he)
The best thing about this job, I believe, is it's a Temp/Part-time gig which will give me plenty of time to play, learn all about the area's animal life (and animal life from around the world!), and bicycle like a crazy woman all summer.

AND, the job doesn't start until the first part of June, which is perfect because it will give Andrea and I a chance to get settled and relax a bit together before the deluge of homework begins.

Now to work on outfitting my Naturalist's tool-belt...

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