Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday Bike Ride

Up and over the West Hills: Not a bad commute, if you're a blood doper! (Or have been training at 5000 ft in Montana)

What better way to spend a sunny Monday than test-riding the zoo commute? Andrea and I took off from the apartment at about 9:30 this a.m. and rode along the Baseline rd. bike route into Cedar Hills and along the Sunset bike corridor up and over the west hills (Andrea wanted me to emphasize the UP part there) to the Oregon Zoo. The ride was about 1 hr and 1/2 (including getting lost, having snacks, posing for photos, and etc.)

It was fun exploring some of the bikeways I've never ridden, and we also went through the Hoyt Arboretum and the Rose Garden before stopping for lunch at a McMennamin's on NW 21st in Portland for burgers. Then, we tootled around the waterfront and finally went for a "Miser Monday" pint at the Lucky Labrador pub in SE before hitting Hawthorne bridge to the MAX. It sure was nice knowing we didn't have to ride up and over the hills again to get home.

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