Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Pronounced hee-monk. This past Monday we started our first module of the fall semester. HemeOnc is a hematology/oncology module.

picture of red blood cells in all their glory

I have to say, I love blood. Not in a vampire sort of way, but in a revering way. Speaking of vampire, there was a 98 year old patient that I saw multiple times at the hospital who always accused me of selling her blood. I of course politely said: "no ma'am, I am merely going to send your blood down to the lab". Besides, she was really sick and I'm pretty sure no one would want her blood - that of course, I kept to myself.

Anyway, back to school...we are learning about the physiology of blood and all of it's constituents, disorders, treatments, and pharmacology. This module also includes an oncology primer - so that when we learn about cancers that pertain to the system that we are studying we will at least have a vague idea of what our professors are talking about. Cool stuff.

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