Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Start of rotation 2 and quotes from prison

I realize that I haven't been keeping up with the blog, but I hope to change that with this next rotation. My primary care rotation ended successfully and I was fairly tired by the end. I was working 55 hours in 4.5 days...seriously fun but exhausting!

I have now moved on to prison. Federal prison to be precise. I have completed 3 days and I think I have gotten over my initial claustrophobia from being locked in the medical area. There are a series of very large double locked doors that you have to go through to enter and exit the prison. It is a strange feeling to be standing there waiting for a guard at central command to open the door. More on all of this later, but here are some quotes for your enjoyment:

preceptor asks a patient "why are you taking acyclovir?"
patient "! don't make me say that in front of the lady" (the lady being me)

patient "when I got inside (read: incarcerated) they told me I only had one testicle, but before that I had 2.....I don't know what happened to the other one"

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