Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Renal Module Recap

I finished up the renal module with an exam last Thursday. Kidneys are complicated. Issues arising in the kidneys are often a result of something going awry with another system. Hence, the complicating part. I must say that I am very grateful for the physiology primer we had this summer. The renal physiology hurt my head a bit less this time around. Which is a very good thing since we added a lot (UNDERSTATEMENT) to what we learned previously.

With this module, we had guest lecturers almost every day. Now that was groovy. My favorite lecture last week was on acid/base physiology, ok it was definitely not my favorite lecture, but rather favorite lecturer. A doctor from Britain who trained at the Elvis Presley Trauma Center. How many people can say that? Here, it is just one....I'm pretty sure anyway. Aside from the fun factor of hearing someone pronounce aluminum ah-loo-men-ee-um, everything she said sounded so sophisticated with that accent! It definitely made acid/base much more palatable. We also learned new applications for cool Britishisms....such as "that's just pissing in the wind" when discussing erroneous dosages for IV magnesium replacement. Go ahead, say it to yourself with a British accent. It just sounds so proper!

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