Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back to the bike commute

With the rain temporarily letting up and darkness waiting until 4:48 p.m. to take hold....it's time to bring the bike out for my school commute. We just wrapped up 3 weeks of musculoskeletal fun and I'm thinking this pose must be seared into my unconscious because of all the time spent staring at muscleman. See photo below.

Boo-yah! Who's ready for Neurology?

Beer for strength

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Northern end of Jackson Bottom Wetlands Bird Survey

This morning the sun came out, for the first time in... well, we quit counting the days. We were very excited and went outside. I did a bird survey for the northern end of the wetlands while Andrea played with the camera.

Mourning Dove

Steller's Jays

American Robin

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ortho. Behind the scenes.

Today, Andrea got to practice casting (and uncasting, I hope).

I emailed this photo to Kadie mid-afternoon so that she could see what I was up to....The last time I had my left arm in a cast was when I was 11. I had ridden my bike off a jump and did not make the landing. As an 11 year old I thought being in a cast was pretty cool.

My first cast!

These legs belong to my classmate Trish. The closest leg is my first attempt at a short leg cast, or any cast for that matter. This pic was taken halfway through the process. I still needed to add another layer of the fiberglass casting material. After I finished I got to cut off my first cast. The saw is a bit intimidating, but we both made it through ok. Just think, the next time I get to do this it will be on a real patient. heh.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter Break 2010 Bozeman

It is hard to believe the entire 3 weeks of winter break went by so fast, but I guess that's what happens when you're having fun. We enjoyed the sunshine and glittering snow, the friends and food, the skiing, and the drinks. Andrea's summary of the break: "Eat. Sleep. Ski. Drink."

"Bunny Pose!" The Chi is such a good sport.

Nordic skiing with my little Swede

For Christmas, Andrea got me a book I'd been drooling over, "The Bread Baker's Apprentice". I dove in and baked up a storm in Kaaren's kitchen. The Kitchen-aid mixer was fun to play with and I had time to try a couple of different shaping techniques.

This challah tasted as good as it looks

Even the squirrels are in better shape in Bozeman!

The last few days of our Bozeman break the temperature didn't get above 0 degrees, so we made the most of it, staying all cozy and warm reading and resting up from all our adventures.
Oregon had some very cold weather, too!