Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ortho. Behind the scenes.

Today, Andrea got to practice casting (and uncasting, I hope).

I emailed this photo to Kadie mid-afternoon so that she could see what I was up to....The last time I had my left arm in a cast was when I was 11. I had ridden my bike off a jump and did not make the landing. As an 11 year old I thought being in a cast was pretty cool.

My first cast!

These legs belong to my classmate Trish. The closest leg is my first attempt at a short leg cast, or any cast for that matter. This pic was taken halfway through the process. I still needed to add another layer of the fiberglass casting material. After I finished I got to cut off my first cast. The saw is a bit intimidating, but we both made it through ok. Just think, the next time I get to do this it will be on a real patient. heh.

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