Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hillsboro Library Saturday Morning Chi Walk

Andrea's brain was fried from 2 weeks of neurology, so we needed some peaceful outdoor time.
Drippiness was no deterrent, and we were rewarded with some unusual sights.

Duck butts!

Red-breasted Sapsucker

As we were walking, this sapsucker flew low over our heads and then landed on a tree a little way off. Andrea stalked it, sneaking up behind a nearby tree trunk to snap this photo.

Recently excavated sapsucker wells on a tree trunk

Fabulous wood duck

American wigeon (not a socialist commie wigeon)

Is it a goose??? No, a Great Blue Heron! In a tree.

This regal bird was posed for us just below its nest (can you see it?) It really is quite an amazing sight to see such a big bird way up in a tree, perched daintily on its stilt-like legs. The one below was atop (very tippy top) a 200 ft tall fir tree!


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