Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First day of class and a Monday cooking extravaganza

Today was the highly anticipated first day of PA school! In a way it is a big relief to be starting classes, although having to take the first assessment this Friday is a bit scary. One of the professors gave each of us the book "Ten Years of Medicine and the Arts; 100 selections from Academic Medicine". The book contains essays regarding the art of medicine. Very cool. There will also be a field trip to the Portland Art Museum in July to learn better observation skills. We have been fitted for our white coats and received a groovy medical kit:
a blood pressure kit, a 3M Cardiology III stethoscope, an otoscope/ophthalmoscope set, two tuning forks, a percussion hammer, ECG calipers, goniometer, eye chart, pen light, tape measure, and some other stuff that I do not recognize...

All these things plus the equipment bag!

Today was also Kadie's first day of work (more on that later, preview: they have meerkats and hippos are really big) so we spent much of yesterday cooking up a storm. Here are some pics:

Pepperoni pizza with basil

Sri Lankan sweet potatoes w/cardamom and chiles

Veggie soup stock

1 comment:

  1. COOL KIT! The food looks yummy. Keep the faith!
