Friday, June 11, 2010

Zoo Week 2

Painted dogs are among the most successful hunters in the Serengeti: they get 75-80% of whatever they decide to chase. Compare that with lions, who only catch what they try for about 15% of the time. The key is teamwork: painted dogs hunt in packs, relay-style, wearing out their prey over long distances. They are amazing long-distance athletes who can also do shorter burst of up to 37 mph. Plus, they are cute.
African Painted Dog

During week 2, we Naturalists (there are now 6 of us) have been researching and writing thematic talks, looking for visual aids and trying to come up with fun, hands-on learning tools. Tomorrow (Saturday) we will get radios and learn how to use them. Ho boy!

On the way through the zoo today I had time to snap a few photos. Enjoy!
How many zebras are in this photo?

Gerenuk: "I am watching you with my prey eye."
Gerenuk are funny African grazers that get up on their hind legs and reach the leaves just below giraffe height when browsing. They weren't showing off today, though.

If I was a goat....I'd want to hang out on top of a barrel. Ya.

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